UcaP salam dahuLu

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Last Year was precious

well well well, udah lama gak nulis. Tiba-tiba kepingin aja nulis. haha #apadeh!

Mungkin tahun lalu, adalah tahun yang bener-bener (paling) menegangkan buat aku. Hmm. yah, buat semua anak SMA kelas 3 yang mau lulus pastinya. Kenapa begitu? Mungkin karena Sistem Pendidikan di Negara kita tercinta ini yang membuat kita para siswa harus melewati sederet ujian yang sangat ketat dan yang gak main-main berapa jumlah pesaingnya. Salah juga, kenapa mau lahir di sini yang jumlah penduduknya gila-gila.an (lho?). Tahun kemaren, tahun 2012, kami seangkatan harus melewati yang namanya UNAS biar bisa dapet selembar berfoto muka diri dan cap tangan yang masih imut imut (dibaca: ijasah). Lulus sih, yaaa walaupun nilai gak bagus-bagus amat yang penting dapet dah tuh. 

Masih inget banget, gimana perjuangan kita belajar mati-mati.an (ya gak sampek mati lah), les sana sini, beli buku ini itu. Tujuannya demi satu -> masuk universitas yang kita pinginin. Sederhana mungkin, kita cuman pingin orang tua bangga atas apa yang udah kita perjuangkan selama 3 tahun di SMA.Dulu, rasanya senang banget liat kawan-kawan yang semangat 45 bilang mau kuliah di ITB, UI, UGM, ITS, dll. Dan nggak henti-hentinya selalu bilang, "iya iya, semangat-semangat ya rek" buat terus menjaga kobaran api yang ada dalam diri mereka itu. Gak tau kenapa, liat semua kawan pada bermimpi dan berjuang untuk mendapatkan mimpinya itu bener-bener sesuatu banget. Pingin banget, semua mimpi itu terwujud atas balasan perjuangannya.

Tapi pasti ada kalanya nggak semua mimpi itu harus diwujudkan. Mungkin bukan karena kita tidak pantas mendapatkan mimpi itu tapi karena Allah sudah merencanakan hal lain yang jauh luar biasa untuk kehidupan kita. Bisa jadi mimpi itu bisa terwujud, tapi bukan sekarang. Hanya menunggu waktu yang tepat.

Dan Mimpi si penulis ini tiba-tiba karena debaran angin dan guguran daun, jatuh pada Universitas Indonesia. Gak ngerti kenapa mimpi ini jauh banget jatuhnya. Tapi ingat deh, semakin jauh atau semakin gak masuk akalnya mimpi kita, itulah yang membuat kita semakin giat mencapainya daripada kita hanya bermimpi pada sesuatu hal yang udah dan sangat pasti kita dapat, gak asyik kan? hoho~

Banyak dukungan dari orang tua, teman-teman dan semuanya yang benar-benar membuat aku semangat dan mengejarnya. Walau gak penting, tapi gantungan flash disk yang bertuliskan Universitas Indonesia itu selalu aku bawa kemana-mana sebagai alarm pengingat bahwa aku gak boleh leha-leha karena mimpi itu masih jauuuuh, masih jauuuuh sekali dari mata.

Mengejar mimpi itu mungkin tidak semudah yang kita pikirkan. Terjatuh karena tidak mendapat tiket undangan, sempat bikin drop beberapa jam. Dan karena itulah, pertimbangan orang tua untuk menyuruh melepaskan mimpi ini dengan memilih Universitas lain pada tes tulis bersama itu. Dem dem dem seketika itu rasanya udah gak ada harapan lagi buat meneruskan mimpi itu. Karena yaa pertimbangan orang tua itu tetap nomer satu buat aku.

Namun ......

Tau kan ini gedung apa? *Rektorat UI*
Lihat ini udah bukan mimpi lagi. Sekarang... tiap hari udah bisa lihat ini gedung, naik bikun, naik spekun, lalalayeyeye~

Bukan cerita ini sih yang penting, sebenernya yang pingin aku omongin cuman
Go grab your dream, so your dream become closer and closer into yourself~!
Gak penting woi, latar belakangmu kayak apa? pinter apa kagak? yang penting cuman usaha, doa, dan bejo :D So, be the lucky one!^^
Semangat berjuang ya buat angkatan 2013 #AyoMasukUI

Sekian. Wes ah! ^^. hihihihihi

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Pretending Being an Interviewer

So, here another my english task. it's about making a conversation and also making the poster about it. that pic is edited by me. but I don't own the right of the picture I use. thanks a bunch for Google granpa :* and now let's move on the conversation. aww~

Good Morning, Sir. Would you mind having a little conversation with me ? I have something to ask regarding this accident.
Good Morning kid. Oh sure! But don’t take it so long. Because I’m on duty. So what do you want to know ?

Okay Mr. Policeman. I won’t take your precious time. So what exactly happened here?
Oh so you don’t know ?
Okay. I’ll explain simply. As you can see. Not long ago, there was an accident here. Around 08.35 a.m this morning. We just arrived here and we have sent the victim to the closest hospital and now investigating the suspected one and some eyewitnesses.

Oh I see. So could you tell me further about the victim and suspect ?
The victim is a pregnant woman riding a pedicab. And the suspected are a boy and a girl using motorcycle. Nothing bad happened with the motorcycle’s users. It was just there were some damage with the motorcycle. So it can’t be used anymore. Unfortunately, the pregnant woman was moaning in pain after the accident. And then lost consciousness. And the rider of pedicab was died on the spot. Both of them have already arrived in hospital.

Oh My God. I’m sorry to hear that. So Have the families of the victims been contacted ?
Well, the pedicap’s rider didn’t bring any identity card. But people here know him so well. And I heard they have already contacted his wife. And about the pregnant woman, she brought her cell phone. And right after the accident happened, her husband called her. So, we informed that she got accident and asked him to go to hospital as soon as possible.

I’m glad that the families have been informed. And I hope they won’t get shocked that much. By the way Sir, could you tell me the chronologic of this accident ?
I’m sorry but there’re some versions about this accident’s chronologic. I myself still don’t know which one is the right one. In addition, we still can’t ask the victim because of her condition. But we have some current conclusion.

What kind of conclusion Sir ?
This is based on the fact in the spot area. So, this is totally motorcycle’s fault from my point of view. The pedicab was walking in the roadside. And people said the pedicab was slowly walking. In opposite, the motorcycle was running more than 80 km/hours. And they didn’t obey the traffic rules like using helmet, gloves, and the others. The worse, the rider was not bringing driving license today.

Wao. They’re running too fast. Do you know where they are going to in a hurry ?
They’re students of High School. They have special event today and They said they were going to late. That’s why they ran so fast.

Since they’re still high school students. What are you going to do with them ?
Yaahh. You know that they looked so scared after the accident. I can tell they were trembling then. If there was no victims here, I will release them out easily or maybe just give light warning. But the fact, the pedicab’s rider was died, It’ll be hard. His wife won’t just release them. So, we’ll discuss it with their parent and the victim’s family later and decide which one is the best way. But the important is we have to make them regretting their action and won’t do it again in the next day.

Yes. I agree. Recently, so many teenager act whatever they want. And because of that there have been so many accident lately. The count of victims are getting bigger and bigger. As a policeman, what will you do to decrease it ?
It’s useless if I just talk but the road users don’t be careful on their ways. I just hope, they can learn something from many accidents. So they’ll obey many kind of rules and they won’t harm both another road users and themselves. It’ll be so sad if we lose our lose just because of our carelessness.

Yes. I wish no more victims in the accidents. To prevent that we as road users have to stay safety by obeying traffic rules and always be careful in the journey. Right Sir?
Yes. You’re right. Good teenager.

Thanks. And I’d love to say million thanks about your explanation about this accident and anything. Stay healthy sir and Keep working hard.
You’re welcome and always be careful on your way.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Hebatnya Indonesia, Alasan kita harus Cinta Indonesia

'Indonesia tanah airku, Tanah tumpah darahku'. Lagu kebangsaan kita Indonesia Raya ini mungkin udah sering kita dendangkan bersama sewaktu upacara di masa sekolah. Kalau bisa dibilang gara-gara yang namanya hari senin, ini lagu udah hapal di luar kepala.

Tapi sebagai orang dan generasi muda bangsa Indonesia, apa sih yang udah kita lakuin buat Negara tercinta ini? Kalau bicara soal 'pergorbanan' buat negara kayaknya masih terlalu dini apalagi buat anak sekolah macam saya. hahaha. so skip this aja yaa.

Liat berita di TV, denger di radio. Banyak berita negatif tentang Indonesia ini. Korupsi lah, Kriminal lah, dan apa lah itu. Kadang-kadang kepikiran apa sih sebenernya yang bisa kita banggain dari Indonesia ini? ada gak sih?

Jujur aja, kadang lihat kemajuan negara lain malah buat aku ngerasa kasian banget sama Indonesia. Udah bener-bener ketinggalan kereta juauuhh.

Eitsss, tapi banyak hal-hal yang bisa kita banggain dari Indonesia kok.

Indonesia telah dianugerahi Tuhan dengan berbagai macam sumber daya alam yang begitu luar biasa. Jelas terbukti bahwa Indonesia termasuk negara terbaik penghasil SDA. Banyak Negara lain yang mengimport bahan-bahan dari Indonesia. Tanahnya yang sumbur membuat kebanyakan jenis tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan baik di Indonesia.

2 Musim di Indonesia membuat kehidupan kita menjadi lebih nyaman. Yaahh. walaupun gak ada salju ataupun musim panas seperti Negara lain. tapi hal ini justru membawa banyak dampak positif lhoh. Dengan musim semi dan musim hujan di Indonesia karena dilalui garis khatulistiwa ini, kita bisa tinggal betah banget di Indonesia. Coba kalau negara lain yang ada musim salju dan panasnya. Kalau musim salju, tuuu dingin yaa nggak nahan, apalagi kalau buat yang gak tahan dingin malah bisa mimisan dan membahayakan nyawa (haha). Dan kalau lagi musim panas, panasnya naudzubillah gak ketulungan. Kalau gitu caranya kita kudu punya dua macem baju dong, baju musim panas. Buat yang kantongnya pas-pasan pastinya gak menguntungkan banget kan. Coba kalo di Indo, kaos bisa dipake musim kemarau atau musim hujan kan? Lebih hemat bukan? haha

Indonesia kaya akan berbagai suku dan budaya. Nah, Ini dia yang benar-benar bikin kita harus bersyukur. Kita punya banyak saudara dengan watak, suku yang berbeda-beda. Tiap daerah memiliki ke-ciri khas-an tersendiri. Mangkanya kalau kita keliling Indonesia itu rasanya kayak udah keliling dunia. ya gak? bahasanya aja udah beda. Meskipun sama orang Indonesia, tapi bahasa daerahnya aja gak semua kita pahami. Karena budaya yang berbeda, tiap daerah juga punya makanan khasnya masing-masing. Ini bagus banget buat para pecinta kuliner. Palembang dengan pempeknya, Jakarta dengan kerak telornya, dan Yogya dengan gudegnya. Coba aja kalau Indonesia gak punya perbedaan budaya, pasti bakal bosen kan? pergi ke mana ya sama aja. :D

Sebenernya masih banyak yang bisa kita syukurin sebagai anak Indonesia. Cari yang lain yaa~ haha. Meskipun diluar ini, Indonesia masih punya banyak kekurangan. Jangan banyak mengeluh atau mencemooh yaa. Ayok kita rubah satu per satu yang penting mulai dari pribadi kita masing-masing aja. Semoga ini bermanfaat. HIDUP INDONESIA !!

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Jamur (Fungi)

Oke, aku mau share hasil tugasku lagi ni. Rasanya percuma aja kalau disimpen sampek lumutan di komputerku. Jadi sekarang aku mau bagi-bagi.

Aku bikin ppt fungi yang isinya ringkasan Bab Jamur (Fungi) untuk SMA Kelas X Semester 1.

Jadi langsung aja boleh di unduh

pass : virdayan

Sebenernya ini tugas Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. haha. Cuman karena aku suka bab ini dan suka banget makan jamur (wkwk) berubah jadi pelajaran biologi deh. LOL hahaha

Semoga bermanfaat buat semuanya. Kalau gak keberatan, jangan lupa comment yah!
Thank you very much

Source : Pujiyanto, Sri. 2008. Menjelajah Dunia Biologi 1. Solo : Platinum

Water is Better (Hostatory Text)

Right Arrow: Thesis Who did never drink water? No one right? Even more than 80% of our body is consist of water. Normally, we need 2 liter or 8 glass of water a day so that our metabolism system can run well. We can say that water is very important for our life.

Right Arrow: Argument 1 If we don’t drink 2 liter of water for a day, It can be dangerous for our health and of course our body because it can disturb blood transportation as oxygen and food carrier. Moreover, it can be harmful for some organs inside our body like kidney and brain. Those organs won’t work as much as they did before.

Right Arrow: Argument 2 Actually, water has many benefits for our body. Such as launch the digestive system, avoid the growth of cancer cells and the other diseases, and make us beautiful. Water can keep our skin healthy and fresh. And the most important is water can make our heart healthy. Heart is the center of our body system.

There are many benefits we can get from drinking water. So why we still drink soft drink or the others that contain of dangerous content? Water is cheap, healthy, and easy to get. So, let’s drink water every day.

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Delicious But Dangerous "Generic Structure"

by : ViRdA


Position --> Nowadays, Our country has many restaurants that serve fast foods or markets which sell soft drinks. That’s why Indonesian people are used to eat and drink it. I personally think that those kinds of food and drink are harmful for our health.

Preview --> We better not to consume it every day so that we won’t get any problem later. You want to know why do I say that?


Argument 1

Point --> Even though some people think that fast food make us easier. But actually, there are so many dangerous inside them.

Elaborate --> Fast food are consist of high calorie, salt, fat, and also cholesterol that reaches 70%. Even have less fiber which is needed by human body. Fast food are also consist of preservatives and additive which cause us addicted.

Argument 2

Point --> But in fact, some people don’t care about those problems.

Elaborate --> They think that it will be fine if we consume it continuously because as far, they still don’t feel the effects in their body yet. It’s true that it won’t feel as soon as we eat it. But please notice, that the contents will be saved in our body and show influences in the future. In Addition, fast food is the way for us to get obesity quickly.

Argument 3

Ponit --> Soft drinks are harmful as well. It’s consist of many dangerous contents.

Elaborate --> Consist of CO2 that will cause stomach can’t produce enzyme which is important for our digestion system. Consist of caffeine which increase heart beat and blood pressure. Also have phosphoric acid which cause our bone become weak , especially for those who still in growth, there will be some fracture bones. Beside that, actually there are so many another reason why we should not to drink it. Yeah. I know that soft drink are fresh but for some reasons above, we will have consequences too.

--> From what I have told you above, we can conclude that fast food and soft drink are not good for our health. For a better future, why don’t you try to stop doing that from now on?

*Hope this help. But please, don't claim this as yours. I've been putting my hard effort for finishing this task. ^^ Thank you for reading and leave some comments.